“Discover the power of tailored payment solutions designed with your business in mind.”

  • Powerful payment solutions that facilitate commerce
  • In-Store, Online/Over The Phone, or Mobile
  • Dedicated support team to assist you every step of the way

Hosting all major card networks and technology providers under one roof.

Swipemate is a specialized payment services provider. Our exclusive network of banks allows for a worldwide reach of payment services and systems without any restrictions.


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Relax and leave it to us—we’ve got everything under control! Your ideal payment solution is on its way.

Services Tailored to Meet Your Business’s Unique Needs

We provide competitive pricing across various industries and support all major electronic payment methods, including Visa, Mastercard, Discover, American Express, ACH, and Gift Cards. Our team of payment professionals takes the time to understand your business, ensuring we create a tailored solution that fits your needs perfectly. With our advanced solutions, the process is straightforward, whether you need POS, gateway, card terminals, or integrated ISV solutions suitable for any business owner.

Our payment experts dedicate time to understand your business, enabling us to craft the ideal solution tailored specifically for your needs. Swipemate offers cutting-edge payment technologies, including POS solutions, gateways, card terminals, and integrated payment systems. These tools are designed to streamline and simplify the payment process for any business owner, ensuring a seamless transaction experience.

Utilize our tailor-made Swipemate Cash Discount App to fully eliminate your processing fees through a 100% legal and card brand compliant surcharging program. Reduce up to 99% of your card processing costs by transferring transaction fees to the cardholder.

Our surcharging program is 100% legal and compliant with card brand regulations, designed to eliminate 99% of your card processing costs by transferring transaction fees to the cardholder.